Occupational Health, Medico-legal, Drug & Alcohol Treatment
A doctor with unique portfolio and experience
Dr Rob Hampton qualified in 1986 and has worked in General Practice since 1990
He has had a practice in occupational medicine since 2000
Following 15 years in partnership he has worked as Portfolio GP since 2012
His current portfolio includes work as a GP with an Extended Role (GPER) in drug & alcohol treatment

RHH Medical has a pedigree in assessing complex occupational health (OH) cases and ensuring detailed structured reports to guide employers and employees to resolve workplace issues related to heath & wellbeing. Dr Rob Hampton is a Medical Champion for Health & Work at Public Health England, represents the Royal College of GPs on OH issues and is a founder member of the GP Interest Group for the Society of Occupational Medicine

RHH Medical has provided medico-legal reports to East Midlands solicitors on an ad-hoc basis for more than 10 years. He is a medical member to a UK tribunal service and the medical lead for a company providing medical assessments for an NHS compensation scheme. Recently accepted as a prospective member of the Expert Witness Institute, this branch of RHH Medical work will formally launch in Summer 2023. Areas of expertise will be:
Mental Capacity and Power of Attorney
Drug & Alcohol misuse
Musculoskeletal pain
Fitness to work
Workplace disputes related to health issues
Vaccination Damage

RHH Medical has provided a drug & alcohol treatment service since 2012 to a number of public-sector, secure-environment and private treatment & recovery services. Full (Part-2) Certification in Substance Misuse from Royal College of GP in 2013. Registered with NHS England to prescribe controlled drugs to private patients in treatment & recovery.